Cisco ASA RADIUS Integration


This document describes steps to configure a Cisco ASA with Swivel as
the authentication server. Swivel can provide Two Factor authentication
with `SMS <sms.html>`__, `Token <hardtokens.html>`__, `Android <authcontrolmobileandroid.html>`__, `iOS <authcontrolmobileios.html>`__ and strong Single Channel Authentication
`TURing <turing.html>`__, `Pinpad <pinpad.html>`__ or in the
`Taskbar Client <taskbarclient.html>`__ using RADIUS. AnyConnect works with
Swivel if started in the portal.

Swivel integration is made using RADIUS authentication protocol with an option to configure the login page. Depending on your needs, you can modify the default customization object or create a new customization object. There are many ways to configure it to work with Swivel such as:

-  Username AD Password and Swivel Authentication (The most common
   method with AD authentication made against the LDAP server and OTC
   checked against Swivel using RADIUS)
-  Username AD Password and Swivel Authentication (AD authentication and
   OTC checked against Swivel using RADIUS)
-  Username and OTC (OTC checked against Swivel using RADIUS

And various other options including local password.

To use the Single Channel Image such as the `TURing <turing.html>`__ Image, the Swivel server must be made accessible. **The client requests the images from the Swivel server, and is usually configured using a NAT** (Network Address Translation), often with a proxy server. The Swivel virtual appliance or hardware appliance is configured with a proxy port to allow an additional layer of protection.

For the Cisco IPSEC client Swivel integration see `Cisco IPSEC Client Integration <CiscoIPSECClientIntegration.html>`__

Configuration steps overview

-  Configuring the Swivel server
-  Create a customization object to hold the attached Javascript.
-  Create an authentication server group with RADIUS protocol.
-  Create a connection profile (tunnel group) to link login URL,
   authentication server and custom login page together.


* Cisco ASA 8.03 or higher

* Cisco documentation

* AuthControl Sentry 3.x, 3.5 or higher for RADIUS groups

* NAT for Single channel access

Login Page customisation prerequisites

:download:`Download: Cisco ASA 8 Logon Page Customisation Script <downloads/Cisco_ASA_Universal_Script.zip>`

.. note:: Beware if opening this in Wordpad or similar in case the text editor wraps the text onto a new line.

This script can be used for `TURing <turing.html>`__, `SMS <sms.html>`__, `Token <hardtokens.html>`__, `Android <authcontrolmobileandroid.html>`__ or `iOS <authcontrolmobileios.html>`__ . There is an alternative customisation
for `Pinpad <pinpad.html>`__, available :download:`here <downloads/Cisco_ASA_Pinpad_Script.zip>`.

For Single Channel TURing images some editing of the script is required.

.. note:: The AuthControl Sentry server must be accessible by client when using Single Channel Images, such as the Turing Image or Pinpad, and security string number. Typically this external access is usually facilitated by a Firewall NAT rule.


* Cisco ASA version: 8.03, Also tested with 8.21

* AuthControl Sentry version: 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 4.0, 4.1


The Cisco ASA makes authentication requests against the Swivel server by

The client makes TURing requests against the Swivel server using

AuthControl Sentry Configuration

Configuring the RADIUS server

On the AuthControl Sentry Administration console configure the RADIUS Server and

.. _enabling_session_creation_with_username:

Enabling Session creation with username

To allow the `TURing <turing>`__ image, `Pinpad <pinpad>`__ and other
single channel images, under Server/Single Channel set `Allow session
request by username <Allow_session_request_by_username>`__ to Yes.

.. _setting_up_swivel_dual_channel_transports:

Setting up Swivel Dual Channel Transports

Used for `SMS <sms.html>`__, see `Transport Configuration <messaging.html>`__.

.. _cisco_asa_configuration:

Cisco ASA Configuration

.. _create_a_radius_authentication_server_group:

Create a Radius Authentication Server Group

Authentication Server Group is used to hold necessary information about
the Swivel server. Go to Remote Access VPN -> AAA/Local users -> AAA
Server. Click on Add to add an AAA Server Group.

.. image:: images/Cisco_ASA_803_AAA_Server_Screen.JPG

Enter a name for Server Group, select RADIUS for Protocol and click OK.
With the newly created server group name selected, click on Add on the
right bottom to add a Swivel server.

.. image:: images/Cisco_ASA_803_AAA_Server_Configuration_Screen.JPG

Enter Swivel server’s IP, authentication port and server secret key as
indicated. Click on OK then Apply to save the AAA server group.

.. _optional_create_a_secondary_authentication_server:

Optional: Create a Secondary Authentication Server

The login page can be configured to display Swivel as a primary or
secondary authentication server. To use multiple authentication servers,
they must be configured under Remote Access VPN -> AAA/Local users ->
AAA Server. This example shows an AD Server being added.

Go to Remote Access VPN -> AAA/Local users -> AAA Server. Click on Add
to add an AAA Server Group.

.. image:: images/Cisco_ASA_821_AAA_Local_Users_AAA_Server_Groups_AD.JPG

Enter a name for Server Group, select NT Domain or Kerberos for Protocol
and click OK. With the newly created server group name selected, click
on Add on the right bottom to add a NT Domain Server.

.. image:: images/Cisco_ASA_821_AAA_Local_Users_AAA_Server_Groups_Add_AD.JPG

Enter the AD server’s IP, Server port and Domain Controller hostname.
Click on OK then Apply to save the AAA server group.

.. image:: images/Cisco_ASA_821_AAA_Local_Users_AAA_Server_Groups_AD_Edit_AAA_Server.JPG

This secondary authentication server then needs to be linked to the
Connection Profile (see below).

.. _create_a_connection_profile_tunnel_group:

Create a Connection Profile (Tunnel Group)

Swivel can be defined as a Primary Authentication server or as a
Secondary authentication server.

Connection Profile is used to link authentication server group, URL used
to access the ASA, and login page customization together. Go to Remote
Access VPN -> Clientless SSL VPN Access -> Connection Profiles. Click on
Add to add a connection profile.

.. image:: images/Cisco_ASA_821_Connection_Profiles.JPG

In Basic panel, enter a name, alias and select the AAA Server Group
created. Swivel can be configured as the Primary authentication server
or the secondary authentication server.

.. image:: images/Cisco_ASA_821_Connection_Profiles_New_Profile.JPG

Click on Advanced then Clientless SSL VPN. Select the customization
object created and add a Group URL used to access the ASA with Swivel

.. image:: images/Cisco_ASA_803_Selecting_the_Customisation.JPG

Click on OK then Apply to save the Connection Profile.

.. _optional_create_a_secondary_authentication_for_the_connection_profile_tunnel_group:

Optional: Create a Secondary Authentication for the Connection Profile (Tunnel Group)

This option has been configured using the Secondary Authentication
server option available in ASA 8.21

Go to Remote Access VPN -> Clientless SSL VPN Access -> Connection
Profiles, select the connection profile created above then select Edit.
Expand the Advanced option list and select Secondary Authentication.
Enter the Secondary server group required and if the username should be

Ensure the box *"Use primary username (Hide secondary username on login
page)"* is ticked. Click on OK to save the settings. If AD is defined as
the Primary authentication server then Swivel can be defined as the
secondary AD server.

.. image:: images/Cisco_ASA_821_AAA_Connection_Profile_Secondary_Authentication.JPG

.. _test_the_radius_authentication:

Test the RADIUS authentication

At this stage it should be possible to authenticate by `SMS <SMS>`__,
hardware `Token <Token>`__, `Mobile Phone
Client <Mobile_Phone_Client>`__ and `Taskbar <Taskbar_How_to_Guide>`__
to verify that the RADIUS authentication is working for users. Browse to
the SSL VPN login page, and enter Username and if being used, the
password. From the Swivel Administration console select User
Administration and the required user then `View
Strings <View_Security_Strings_How_To_Guide>`__, and select an
appropriate authentication string or OTC for the user. At the SSL VPN
login enter the required OTC. Check the Swivel logs for a RADIUS success
or rejected message. If no RADIUS message is seen, check that the Swivel
RADIUS server is started and that the correct ports are being used.

.. _optional_login_page_customisation:

Optional: Login Page Customisation

If the Swivel Single Channel Image is to be used, then the login page
needs to be customised. If single channel authentication is not
required, or other page modifications such as for SMS on Demand buttons,
then this section can be skipped. The login page customization is used
to insert necessary Javascript to retrieve Swivel Turing image. In ASDM,
go to Remote Access VPN ->Clientless SSL VPN Access -> Portal ->
Customization. Click on Add to add a new customization object.

.. image:: images/Cisco_ASA_803_Add_Customisation.JPG

Enter a name for the object, click on OK then Apply.

.. image:: images/Cisco_ASA_803_Add_Customisation_selecting_PINsafe.JPG

With the new object selected, click on Edit to enter the Customization
Editor. Click on the Information Panel menu item. Note: If the
information panel has been moved to a different location then the script
can be added to the Copyright panel instead.

.. image:: images/Cisco_ASA_803_Customisation_Editor.JPG

.. image:: images/Cisco_ASA_803_Customisation_Editor_Information_Panel.JPG

Change Mode to “Enable”. Modify the pinsafeurl variable in the Cisco ASA
8 customisation Script to reflect your Swivel server’s URL. (The scripts
are located at the top of the page under prerequisites). Paste the
modified content into the Text box. Click on Save on the top right
corner of the Customization Editor to save the object.

WARNING: the Panel Position must be set to Right for the script to work.
This is so that the customisation script is rendered after the logon
form. If you particularly need the information panel to be on the left,
put the Swivel customisation script in the Copyright Panel instead, as
that is always rendered at the bottom.

The following elements need to be modified in the script:

.. code-block:: none

   //Modify the value of primary to reflect the URL of your PINsafe server
   //if using on-demand SMS, url will need to be DCMessage rather the SCImage
   //if using an HA pair and you wish the page to try one server then the other to receive a TURING 
   //set standby to be the url of the standby swivel virtual or hardware appliance and set ha to true;

   var primary='https://demo.swivelsecure.com:8443/proxy/SCImage?username=';
   var standby='https://demo.swivelsecure.com:8443/proxy/SCImage?username=';
   var pinsafeurl = primary;
   var ha = false ; //set HA to true if you want the page to try two servers
   var loadTimeout = 2500;  //how long the page waits (in milliseconds) for the image to be served from the main server before trying the secondary
   var secondaryAuth = true; // set to true if you want Swivel to be the secondary authentication option
   var button = true; //set to true if you want to show a button that requests a security string
   var autoShow = true; // set to true to show the TURing image automatically after entering the username

Note that for the Pinpad version, SCImage will be replaced with

The primary and standby should be modified. If a standby is not used
then set var secondaryAuth = false

For a virtual or hardware appliance:

.. code-block:: none

 var primary='https://demo.swivelsecure.com:8443/proxy/SCImage?username=';

To use multiple security strings in an SMS message, this can be modified
to show the next security string which should be entered.

For a virtual or hardware appliance: 

.. code-block:: none

 var pinsafeurl='https://demo.swivelsecure.com:8443/proxy/DCIndexImage?username=';

The text can also be changed to reflect the request for a security
string index number. See also `Multiple Security Strings How To Guide <Multiple_Security_Strings_How_To_Guide>`__

.. code-block:: none

  "Please enter your user name and click on Get OTP Index";

The Button to request the Security String Index can also be edited:

.. code-block:: none

 obj[0].value="Get OTP Index";

The Logon Form can be edited to suit the language and secondary
authentication password message. Select the Logon Form to display the
fields available.

AuthControl Sentry as the primary authentication server, AD as the secondary
authentication server.

.. image:: images/Cisco_ASA_821_AAA_SSL_VPN_Customization_Logon_Form.JPG

AD as the primary authentication server, AuthControl Sentry as the secondary
authentication server.

.. image:: images/Cisco_ASA_Logon_Form_Page_modification_Swivel_secondary_auth.jpg


Now the configuration is complete. You can use the configured Group URL
to access the ASA with AuthControl Sentry authentication.

.. image:: images/Cisco_ASA_821_OTP_login.JPG

If configured, a Domain Password prompt will appear.

.. image:: images/Cisco_ASA_803_Customised_login_form.JPG

Before the user name is entered, the OTP (One Time Password) field is
grayed out. Enter a user name and click on Get OTP.

.. image:: images/Cisco_ASA_821_OTP_Turing_login.JPG

OTP login with Domain Password

.. image:: images/Cisco_ASA_803_Customised_login_form_with_Turing.JPG

Use your PIN to extract the OTP and enter it in the OTP field. If
everything is configured correctly, you will see the portal page after
clicking on Login. Please note that the Javascript to retrieve the
Turing image is executed at the user’s browser. Therefore, the user’s PC
must have access to the AuthControl Sentry URL. It is highly recommended that you
configure your AuthControl Sentry server to use SSL/https to protect the session.
Also if you are using a AuthControl Sentry virtual or hardware appliance, the image
can be requested via the built-in image proxy.

The below screen shot shows the use of the Security String Index to tell
the user which of their multiple security Strings to use.

.. image:: images/Cisco_ASA_821_login_multi_sms_OTP_and_Password.JPG

The below security screen shows a login screen with Turing and SMS on
Demand login options.

.. image:: images/Cisco_ASA_821_login_request_sms_OTP_and_Password_blank.JPG

.. image:: images/Cisco_ASA_821_login_request_sms_turing_OTP_and_Password.JPG

.. image:: images/Cisco_ASA_821_login_request_sms_or_swivlet_OTP_and_Password.JPG

.. _additional_configuration_options:

Additional Configuration Options

The Cisco server can be configured to use multiple authentication
servers such as Active Directory.

Two Stage and Challenge/Response authentication can also be configured.

The integration uses Swivel as the primary authentication server and AD
as the secondary authentication server. It would be possible to change
this order.

If you need to reference the secondary password label or field, the IDs
are "secondary_password_field" and "secondary_password_input"

For example, if you want to change the secondary password prompt from
within the customised script, use the following:

.. code-block:: none

  if(obj) {
  obj.innerHTML="AD password";

.. _customisation_for_one_touch_push:

Customisation for One Touch / Push

This section describes how to customise the Cisco ASA login page to
support Push authentication (previously One Touch). In order to use One
Touch with Cisco ASA, you must have the AuthControl Sentry software version 3.11.5
or later.

Before applying this customisation, read the `article on One
Touch <VPN_OneTouch_Integration>`__ to ensure that the AuthControl Sentry
Appliance is prepared.

Follow the instructions on customisation
`above <#Optional:_Login_Page_Customisation>`__ up to the point where
the information panel is enabled. Now insert the following in the
information panel:

.. code-block:: none

  <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.3/jquery.min.js"></script>
 function redirect(){
  + encodeURIComponent(window.location.href) );
 var QueryString = function () {
   // This function is anonymous, is executed immediately and 
   // the return value is assigned to QueryString!
   var query_string = {};
   var query = window.location.search.substring(1);
   var vars = query.split("&");
   for (var i=0;i<vars.length;i++) {
     var pair = vars[i].split("=");
     // If first entry with this name
     if (typeof query_string[pair[0]] === "undefined") {
       query_string[pair[0]] = pair[1];
     // If second entry with this name
     } else if (typeof query_string[pair[0]] === "string") {
       var arr = [ query_string[pair[0]], pair[1] ];
       query_string[pair[0]] = arr;
     // If third or later entry with this name
     } else {
   return query_string;
 } ();
   usernamePassedIn = QueryString["username"];
   passwordPassedIn = QueryString["password"];
   claimPassedIn = QueryString["claim"];
   if(typeof claimPassedIn == 'undefined') {
   } else {


Check the AuthControl Sentry logs for Turing images and RADIUS requests.

`Image from PINsafe server absent <Image_from_PINsafe_server_absent>`__

**Login page modifications absent**

This can be caused if the script has been altered with line feeds
inserted in a text editor from wrap around text. View the login page
source and see if it contains the page modifications, and are not being
displayed correctly.

**TURing image doesn't change**

If you are repeatedly shown the same TURing image for multiple logins,
or after refreshing the page, this may be due to page caching settings
in your browser. To avoid this problem, change one line in the
customisation. Search for the string:

.. code-block:: none

  obj.innerHTML += '<br><br><img border="1" src="'+pinsafeurl+uname.value+'">';

and replace it with the following:

.. code-block:: none

  obj.innerHTML += '<br><br><img border="1" src="'+pinsafeurl+uname.value+'&random='+Math.floor(Math.random()*10000)+'">';

This results in a different URL every time the TURing image is displayed, thereby avoid problems with caching.

.. _known_issues_and_limitations:

Known Issues and Limitations


.. _additional_information:

Additional Information

We have a customised AnyConnect VPN client available for
testing. Please see `here <CiscoAnyConnectRADIUS.html>`__ for more details.

For assistance in Swivel installation and configuration please firstly
contact your reseller and then email Swivel Secure support at