Firebase Push Authentication (AMS)


This article describes the necessary steps required to implement the latest push authentication mechanism in the Swivel Secure Core, used by the latest AMS apps, which utilise the Firebase push method.

It is of particular importance for users of the Android AMS app which was re-released in March of 2025 that this update and reconfiguration occurs, so that Firebase push mechanism can work as before.

To continue the use of Push authentication that is compatible with the new Android AMS app “Swivel Secure AMS” you must:

  1. Update either manually or via the update menus to obtain the new Android key option for the PNA messaging transport
  2. Create a new group exclusively for the new “Swivel Secure AMS” Android Mobile App users
  3. Leave your existing Mobile App user group and users intact
  4. Create a new PNA transport under Messaging -> General which is bound to the new group for Push alerts

Manual method (where update not possible)

Edit /home/swivel/.swivel/conf/android-settings.xml and add the following at the bottom, before the closing </PushSettings>:

<PushInfo name="Version6AMS1" label="V6 AMS re-release" update="true"
<Category type="Confirm" value="sams-category" />
<Category type="Biometric" value="sams-biometric-category" />
<Category type="BiometricAndConfirm" value="sams-bioplus-category" />

Create a new group for Android AMS users

Since the new Android AMS app is using a new Firebase account we currently require that they belong to a new distinct user group within the Core in order to continue to receive Push messages. This group should have the same rights assigned as your existing Mobile App group.

Do not add existing users to this group, only new Android AMS users that require reprovision.

Create a new PNA transport for this group

Under Messaging -> General, create a new entry at the bottom of the screen, e.g.

  • Identifier: PNA_new
  • Class: com.swiveltechnologies.pinsafe.server.transport.PNATransport
  • Strings per message: 1
  • Copy to alert transport: No
  • Destination attribute: plaformandpushid
  • Strings Repository Group: —NONE—
  • Alert repository group: —NONE—
  • Push repository group: (Select the new group you created above)
  • Voice repository group: —NONE—

Select the new Android Key

In the settings for your new PNA transport created above, select the new Android key. Goto Messaging -> PNA_new (or whatever name you gave to your new PNA transport) and select “V6 AMS re-release” from the “Android key” dropdown.

Test a new provision

Add a user to the new user group, send an app provision message and test that the push authentication works as expected.

Known Issues

Users should be exclusive to one mobile app group only for this to work.

If you require assistance with this, please send an email to directing them to this article.